Murtagh Crane Hire Appendices R
Environmental Policy
Murtagh Crane Hire will abide by all Environmental Management Procedures of client and local
In brief:
- All operations must comply with the Operations Prescription, Streamside Management policies and Best Management Practices where applicable.
- All environmental incidents must be reported.
- There shall be no dumping of rubbish or refuse.
- All waste oils and used oil containers must be removed from forests.
- No deliberate destruction, damage or modification of any archaeological sites without formal approval from Historic Places Trust.
- Where a Resource consent or Historic Places Authority is required, no work shall commence until this has been obtained or written approval supplied by Council.
- No unauthorized operations, particularly near or within Water bodies and Neighboring properties, Accord areas and Reserves.
- Murtagh Crane Hire will carry out monthly monitoring of worksites with high environmental risk.
- Report any Chemical Spills immediately and follow clean-up procedure.
- Do not allow any hazardous Substance to enter the storm water system
All employees on site will ensure that they comply with environmental management systems and resource management act at all times. AS/NZS 14001. Murtagh Crane Hire is committed to ensuring our operations have minimal impact on the environment. Regular inspections will ensure this process is in place, effective and compliant.